Thursday, October 08, 2009

Gooood Morning!

Just got in from my walk and took a nice cool shower.. I know I can't stop bitching about the heat but I am ready for some cooler weather! It was 90 deg already when I got in this morning (10:45am). I would sure love a little chill in the air on my walk damnit!

I would love to walk on this path! But alas I live in Orlando.

I still don't love to sweat, well I love how the walking makes me feel but I can't wait to get in the shower. I don't like to stay sweaty anyway. It's the Southern Bell in me~ *smiles*

Yesterday I was so busy that I actually missed one of my snacks and got busy and only ate half of my lunch and came in under 1000 cal for the whole day.

I have a breakfast I love now.. it's an Ezekiel wrap (sprouted grains and NO gluten!) and two egg whites with one egg added in. I saute some tomato (usually a whole small one) and a couple ounces of onion and then throw in the egg and add lots of hot sauce.. I love this and it keeps me full for quite some time. I have also been adding 50 cal. worth of cheese although I truly need to give up all dairy!

My 40's are going to be the decade of change! They already are.

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