Well last night was hard. I am such an emotional eater, I got upset about something and just started pigging on almonds, cheese and crackers. I truly was very hungry when it started but then I just kept on eating WAY too much. I just ate on auto pilot.
I know the fact that I let myself get too hungry was part of the cause I am also so damn spastic about dieting right now, reading constantly, reviewing stuff on line, watching diet programs I have recorded on the TV. My mind is saturated and over whelmed. It's too much.
I also decided I am too hard on myself.
I woke up this morning with a thought in my mind that I need to take better emotional care of myself. Let my mind free a bit and allow myself to FEEL.
I really need to nurture myself more. This was the first thought that popped in my head as I was waking this morning and I have learned to honor those thoughts.
Anyhoo. I looked at the fact that I had three out of four good days and decided that I would be happy with that (it’s 75%~!!) and not beat myself up and get right back on.
I AM going to lose allot of weight in 2010 and I know I will get in my zone soon enough.
In the mean time I need to enjoy my life! I don’t have to have the “wrong” foods to do that. Whatever those foods are.. I know they are white stuff and SUGAR (I started reading my "Good Calories - Bad Calories again).. I am going to incorporate more protein in an effort to not be so hungry all day long!
So basically I need to stop with the diet over-saturation -constantly bombarding my mind and vision with everything diet, in such a spastic way and learn to enjoy my life and relax a bit more! Of course that does not mean I have to eat crap, I just need to STOP BEING SO UPTIGHT and obsessing!

Become a bit more ZEN. Learn to notice and embrace all the goodness around me and let it flow a little more.
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