I have done well today.
I started back walking yesterday(did 2.5 miles yesterday and today).
I want to be able to hike when we go to Sedona in October.
I am working on cleaning the house, doing laundry, all that freaking fun stuff. Good God does anyone else EVER get caught up? I sure never do.
Getting a delivery tomorrow, a foundation for our new King Size mattress my sweet sister Stacy and her hubbie JB are bringing Patrick and I Friday! I am so excited. We bought a beautiful antique bed and have been working on a mattress for far to long. It will be nice!
I find very often men who weigh/weighed what I do and are talking about how unhealthy and fat they are/were. It really freaks me out because I am in SUCH denial about how fat I really am. I just have refused for so long to really think about it for more than a few minutes at a time - I always just push thoughts of it away. I truly hate to look at the reality.
I need to realize somehow that my life is in danger at this very high weight. I know that if I could do that I would have more willpower when I get faced with inevitable temptation and just plain bored and overly hungry!

I really have to do this. I HAVE GOT TO DO THIS.
I have got to get that into my head. I have to be more serious about my LIFE!
I have got to stay on this path. I have got to re-gain my health.. if I ever WAS healthy. I know I can do this.. I can change my life, my health and my body.
I have had three large glasses of the green juice today,

it's really very good but I am wanting something hot. I have a bit of a sinus yuck right now.
I am going to have some more fruit juice and a hot tea for dinner. It's about 15 till 5pm. Now is when I usually start having issues with hunger.. going to keep on with more juice if I need it.
Juice of 2 Granny Smith and 2 Pink Lady apples
Kale, tomato, carrot, ginger, celery juice (LOTS - still working on it).
Kale, tomato, carrot, ginger, celery juice (STILL!)
Frozen Banana on a chop stick
Hot Earl Grey Lavender tea
Honeydew melon juice
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