I love orchids.. isn't that beautiful? I just wanted to start the day off with a nice flower pix. It made me smile, hope it will you too.
Today is a better day than I have had in quite some time.
I was a bit disappointed but at least I am back where I was before our food fest this past weekend. I know I am doing it right. I started walking again last Sat. and I feel better already.
I actually tried to jog a bit on a downhill area in our neighborhood but my big toe started hurting pretty badly so I stopped. I have had issues in the past with my feet (been Dx with arthritis in my feet) and I know that hard walking like I am doing will give me almost as good results as jogging and I will try jogging again from time to time until I don’t have issues with my feet.
I have heard too many stories about people hurting their feet and knees jogging when they are still pretty overweight.
I walked 40 min. again today. It was a tiny bit easier than on Monday but still a VERY good workout and I am always extremely hot when I get back in. I can’t believe it’s Oct. and it’s still in the 90’s here. Even at 10am it’s already so steamy. I can’t wait until it cools off a bit. I truly miss the Fall.
I am keeping my commitment to myself to walk 2 miles a day, every day, until Oct. 24th when we leave for Vegas/Sedona. I want to be able to do lots of walking in Vegas and hiking on Sedona and the walking here in this heat will certainly prepare me a little for up there.
Monday thru yesterday (Wed) I kept my calories average 1350 a day. Today is going to be around 1250.
Wow.. I had to write about something I discovered that is truly GOOD!
It's Ancient Harvest Red Quinoa. Quinoa contains more protein than any other grain and is gluten free.

Because of my previous Atkins diet I have had a fear of any grains and rarely eat them. I am changing that and adding this on a regular basis. I made it with organic veggie broth instead of water and it was divine!
I've been reading a couple Blogs trying to get/keep motivated.
I love this one, she is doing so great! Her blog is very inspirational, she just got in the 100's! (I can't WAIT!!) check it out:
bigbottomblogger.blogspot.comThank you to Greta for the nice comment! I didn't think anyone at all was reading.
Your blog has helped bring me out of my funk a bit!
Another fun site that is truly crazy (advise, don't look at it when you are hungry.. it's insane!
Well and just OMG.. this site is hilarious:
thisiswhyyourefat.comWTF? Velveeta fudge?
More inspirational reading:
Wow.. love this story of a woman who lost 180 pounds without bypass surgery.. one thing she says about telling God that if she got one more chance to lose weight, that she would somehow learn to love and respect her body.
I am right there right now. That is how I feel… I have abused myself for so long.. it’s time. Here is her story: