Happy February, hope it's a month full of Lurve for ya!~
Well I am feeling MUCH better now!
Energy thru the roof today which is good because I have to clean like crazy!
I still have not lost any more weight after my orig. Induction "woosh" but I am experienced at this and know my body and it's just trying to reach an equalibrium. I could go a couple more weeks even, with no loss but soon enough I will hopefully get some pounds down!
I have continued to be in ketosis for the last three weeks so I KNOW I am buring fat. A couple of days last week I am sure I ate too many calories.. I just recently (day before yesterday) started keeping track with Fitday.. it's time consuming but how else will I keep real.?!
I guess I need to just suck it up and do what I SAID I was going to do and just do this WOE no matter what. If I never lose another pound at least maybe I won’t get diabetes!
Last night we had bacon cheeseburgers and Brussels sprouts. YUM
Today I have not eaten much.. a couple ounces of cheese only, so far. I am just not that hungry and I am going with that. If and when my appetite comes back (it always does) I will eat more.
I am making Artic Char and roasted green beans for dinner tonight.. Artic Char is one of my VERY fav. fish.
Feeling pretty good.. I’ve been working on the house all day because Stacy (my sista) and JB (her hubbie) and the boys are coming Sat. We are taking Conrad to the Sky Coaster for his BD. Maybe some day I will actually get the nerve to get on that thing!
It's going to be a Fantastic Fun Weekend!
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