Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, I love Mondays...

Well looks like I FINALLY have broken thru my post induction stall. I have stayed at the same weight for 5 weeks.. finally today the scale shows another pound lost, which to some of you I am sure is nothing but for me a pound is great. I lose very slowly anyway.

I am SO glad, to be honest I was beginning to get a little peeved!!!

Just knowing my body has finally started to release some more weight is making me smile this morning.

I actually am pretty sure it is more than that but my body loves to hold on to water! According to my fitday I should actually be down more like 5#!

But Joy!! my post induction stall is OVER!

I have a little extra time today so I am reading some threads I have been wanting to on LCF (
I am considering doing Intermittent Fasting (I am not sure exactly how they are doing their program yet) but I won’t fast more than one day a week.. maybe 3 weeks a month.

I am also reading more about Lyle McDonald’s program and refeeds. I know (or at least I think) this is more for people who are working out a lot or very close to their goal.. again not sure but this is what I think.. I just want to read some of the science behind it. NOT going to do any refeeds right now.

This week is going to be a nice week. Patrick and I went shopping for all our groceries for the week. Tonight we are having a nice ribeye on the grill and some fresh asparagus.. I think I may steam the asparagus this time.. I normally roast it with balsamic butter.. which I love but I kind of want a change… we will see.

Have a great week everyone, I know I will!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Yea!!! So glad you made it through that. It's aggravating! But onward and downward (for the scale!) Have a good week, dah-ling