Good Morning~
Well it's Monday so it's my offical weigh in day.. I have not lost any more in the last few days but I have lost two over the last 10 days or so (finally broke my 5 week stall last week). I am not concerned but I DO want to work on doing I.F. a day a week for a while. I think it will be an easy way to lower my calories and I have read allot on Dr. Eades site about how good I.F. is for us.
Here are a couple of links to his blog discussions of this:
This info appears to be just a dip in the pool of I.F. info and literature.. I am very intrigued.
I mentioned in a previous post that I am reading up on Intermittent Fasting. I have read several of the threads and apparently it's done in several different ways.. everyone sort of doing what feels right to them.
I have fasting experience so I can handle one day.
After I got on the scale this morning I decided spur of the moment that today would be my first I.F. day.
I had not eaten dinner last night (not hungry). I did have one slim jim and a SF caramel because Patrick wanted to open the pkg and have one.. so not even 100 cal and zero carbs for dinner.
Today I am fasting all day and will not eat until tomorrow am. So that is going to be around 37-38 hours w/o food.
I read that some people doing I.F. (intermittent fasting) do it every other day (the most extreme).. I am starting with one day a week.. then might move to two.
So far it’s 11am and I am fine.. actually not hungry at all, just very thirsty.. I forgot to dole out our vitamens and minerals today so I need to make sure to give Patrick some tonight with his dinner and I just went and gathered mine started for today.
I am glad I weighed this morning, I will be interested in seeing if I lose a pound.. since I am in ketosis already I KNOW I won’t lose 3 pounds (water weight) like I used to do with a day of fasting.. but all day I am BURNING MY BODY FAT because I am in ketosis! That is just Epic to me.
I found this free download of a book called the “Fast 5”.. I have not read it yet but I will.
If you want to check it out.. the pdf is free, here:
The premise of this particular WOE is not eating except in a few (5 with this book) hours window. For example not eating until you get home from work and then having 5 hours that you eat.
It makes sense to me and is supposed to control fat producing hormones.
Although I am not doing this particular program right now I am going to read it and see about trying it out.
Today I am just going to fast and maybe have veggie or chicken bullion (have organic paste bullion in the fridge).
Will come in and post how I feel every few hours…
So it’s 1:40pm and I am doing good. I have only mild hunger and have no problem not eating. I am drinking lots of liquids, hot tea, water and splenda 4C drink and taking my minerals. I also set aside a multi to take.
I am amazed at how good I feel right now. Not headachy at all and lots of energy (on my third load of laundry!). I stripped the bed also. I am very curious about IF.. there appear to be many different types.. all varying the hours fasting vs the hours eating.. one type I was doing already on occasion is the "Warrior" diet.. 20 hours fasting and 4 hours eating.. (I was making us a nice dinner but really not eating allot at all during the day, when I was in deep ketosis).. I think I could do this.. basically you just only eat in the evening and make it within a few hours.. no grazing.
I am continuing to read about I.F. I have to say it sure has stirred up allot of fighting on LCF. Several threads I have already read really have people coming in and posting that everyone is going to get an eating disorder but I don’t think they understand that people actually usually eat at least every other day.. that’s not “Fasting” as many people see it and MOST eat every day.. just only a 2-5 hour window.
2:10pm.. feeling a little tired.. would like to go lay in the sun for a while but it’s so cold that I am going to do it in my fuzzy robe.. just take a couple of magazines outside and lay down in the lounge a while - feeling a bit run down.
As far as I.F. I am leaning more toward “The Warrior Diet”.. I like the idea of eating as much as I want at night and fasting during the day.. I also think this would be a way to control calories because a huge meal is self limiting to me when I am in ketosis.. of course I will stick with LC as my “huge meal”.. *smile*
I am not starting this like tomorrow or anything.. I have to ease into things.
Ok.. I am hungry, officially.
So I went out to lay in the lounge.. it was nice and fell asleep for a few minutes.. like maybe 5! And when I woke up I felt so good I decided to get my walking stuff on and take Suki and I for a walk! I only walked for a total of 30 min but we enjoyed it and it's extra exercise so it's great. Got my body heat up for sure. I no longer am cold!
Well it's 9:40pm and I made it..
Tired and want to go on to bed.. not starving though.. nice.
Night, night...
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