I really am doing well, this last week was near perfect. It is a rewarding feeling and has not been all easy.
It is getting difficult the last couple of days. I am three days out from my period.. or in three days it SHOULD be the day I start. I am wondering if I am going to have a normal cycle now that I am off Low Carb for over a month. I really would like it to come back to normal. Low Carb screwed with my cycle. or at least I THINK it was LC. Will see soon enough.
Last night was pretty hard. I wanted to munch… I was truly not hungry but I just wanted to FILL. I had pigged out (well ate lots, maybe not a pig out, calorie wise because the total for the day was only 1800) on Sushi the night before last and knew I had to get motivated again, it's difficult at night and the last couple of days have been remarkably harder.. I am thinking it has to be hormonal. I just have to be ready for days (nights actually) like this. I have to stay motivated and be prepared with good mental thoughts - I have an "emergency" text doc. I made just for these times (wish I knew more about building a blog.. would add it as another page here if I knew how!.
I did fantastic on calories yesterday. This morning I woke up feeling the best (emotionally) that I have in a while. I have a glimmer again of the fact that I AM IN control of my weight.
If I want this enough, I actually know now that I can do this. I felt it. An interesting feeling/thought flashed thru my mind quickly as I was getting off the scale this morning.
A feeling of just knowing. I don’t know how else to describe it.. but I know I am going to do this. It was a certainty I felt almost felt like a thought from my future self, sending me a message... sounds strange I know but thats what it felt like.
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