That means I have lost 12# in 11 days.. this new induction is doing a good job.
Doing better calorie wise.
Yesterday for lunch I had a chicken breast with cheese and bacon and mushrooms (leftover Faux Alice Springs Chicken) and ate about 2/3 of it and decided to put it down and see if in a few min. I was full.. and I was! I put the rest of the plate in the fridge deciding I would eat the rest later and just saw it this morning. I felt very proud of myself.
This morning for breakfast I made Patrick the Mocha Almond shake he loves.. (I love it too!) and I really wanted on too, I started to make myself one and then thought.. well 450 calories .. that should be a weekend breakfast not right now.. it’s a bit of a splurge. I am very proud of myself. I am actually not really hungry right now..
I am going to start doing yoga! I got a couple of beginner DVD's (I will let you know what I think of them) ordered and I purchesed a new tank and a top to go over it AND these cool black Fold Down waist yoga pants and a new mat yesterday.
Here are pix of the pants (but the red is black on mine, still has a nice wide fold down waist to help hid SOME of my tummy) and my new top.. XXL (sz 20) should fit fine.

I found out that the studio has a $20 for one week introduction rate and I am going to do that.. maybe try three days the first week. I am not going to kid myself, I have heard it’s HARD and they do it in a 105 degree room with high humidity to aid you sweating out toxins. One of the sites said:
"The heated environment is initially very challenging, helping to increase will power and mental strength."
I will have to be careful and make sure I am totally hydrated when I go. I can use more mental strenth!
I have been taking more potassium and magnesium than I had in the past and I am not having the low energy this time around. Its amazing.
I just had 25 almonds and an EAS shake (around 11:30am) and I am perfectly full.. that is around 283 Calories.. that is a good amt. Of calories for lunch.
Well I just had to write what a great day I am having.. I feel better than I have in a long time. I feel "happy".. I feel like a fog has lifted.. I have energy, I really think I was depressed and didn’t realize it that much.
This afternoon I was playing with Suki in the back yard and just laughing my ass off.. he is such a joy and I am SO glad we got him. I was sitting out you my lounge chair and the sun felt nice and he was fun/crazy running all over and we were playing fetch and I just thought.. wow.. I am feeling treat.. the laughter felt so nice. The sun felt so good that I laid down for a minute and just enjoyed how lucky I am.
I called a yoga studio up in Clermont and I am going to start going. I think as soon as my mat and new top/pants come in I will sign up for a couple of private lessons and then start going.
I need to start walking suki. I would today but we just took his harness off and he was a little chaffed under his leg, I need to let that heal a couple of days.. Maybe Sat,. Patrick and I can take him for a nice walk.
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