Saturday, August 29, 2009

Much is happening...

I actually came to Raw to lose weight.. that is happening PLUS so much more. My mind is really blown away by what I am reading about the Raw food movement.

I am discovering my compassion for the earth and for her animals. I have not had meat or dairy in over six weeks. (well except for one fall face first into my sister's addictive cheese dip! much ties to old comfort with this long time family tradition).

I have been constantly trying to Alkalize my body because I did Low Carb for so long and for me it was extremely Acid forming (studying this is what actually led me to Raw foods).

I was reading back in my blog this morning and I am down 23 pounds… that is actually pretty cool - most of the weight loss has been because of a Raw food diet.

I am SO excited to read that I can control my borderline diabetes with Raw foods (bought the 30 days raw DVD's and also the book by Dr. Cousins about controlling - he even uses the word "cure" your diabetes thru Raw foods).

I started Low Carb to help me with my sugar and junk carb cravings and because I had learned I was borderline diabetic. When I decide to do something I am all in. I don’t screw around.. I totally immerse myself in that way of life. I was militant most of the time.. It (LC) did help with the bread and sweets cravings.

I have been doing Vegetarian (mostly Raw Vegan) for about six weeks (started on July 16) (today I am on day six of my juice feast). I don’t have any cravings for any of the crap.. NOTHING (well except some good Raw solid food right now because of my liquid meals!) so this way of eating has taken care of that PLUS (and it’s a big plus) no taking tons of minerals and vitamins (and 5HT because of the depression the lack of Serotonin brought on because of the lack of carbs!) and no feeling so dragged down and constantly dehydrated! I used to put a huge glass of water in EVERY room of my house, first thing upon waking up each day, so that no matter where I was I would have a drink… I was THAT thirsty all the damned time.

I am so excited about what’s to come for me in my new Raw world .. I have been using the word Epic allot lately because this is how I feel… It’s Epic. It’s a monumental discovery for me.

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