Wow.. down 7 pounds lost in two days? That’s I think a lifetime record for me! I can’t believe that. AND even more incredible? I started my period this morning.. I am SURE I am up at least 2 pounds from my actual weight because I always am when I start..
I am so excited I can’t even begin to explain how I feel. So many words come to mind! I am frantic with wanting to read and learn it ALL right now! Raw is going to save my life.
Well how I ACTUALLY feel this morning is not good because I have serious cramps.. I was thinking I want to just deal with this month’s period pain.
I don’t want to take any drugs to slow down my detox.. I am very fortunate I can actually lay on my heating pad or take a hot bath in the middle of the day If I need to.. I am so truly very blessed, it’s amazing the life I have.
Thank you so much to my wonderful hubbie.. He takes such good care of me! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Wow… I wonder where I will be at the end of this juice feast? I want to get to 199 NOW!~.. maybe I will just stay on this until then!
I am so excited I can’t stop thinking that maybe this is IT! Finally what is going to do it for me.
I really need to think on more ways to use greens and veggies and be careful to not do TOO many juices with lots of fruit (I think?).
Had pineapple green apple juice first thing.. Patrick liked it too.
It’s 10:45 am and I am having some almond milk (almond breeze.. didn’t make it myself) my body really asked for it when I saw it in the fridge. I am sure homemade would be better but at least it's Organic.
Just ordered a new Raw cookbook:

Julie and Sarah have great videos on YouTube also!
A little update on all my Gastro tests:
I had two ultrasounds, a upper endoscopy, an colonoscopy, a CT scan with barium and a small bowel follow thru with barium.
They were NOT ABLE TO FIND A THING except H Pylori (causes ulcers) and said I had a "few inflamed areas".. Nothing else.
I was told it's "probably just a case of bad irritable bowel"..
I ordered Dr. David Klein's book on healing Colitis and Crohns for myself and my sister Stacy (she has Crohns)

and am going to be reading that soon. In the mean time I KNOW that this Raw juice feast will help!
It’s 1:45 and I just got out of a hot Himalayan Pink Salt bath (Thanks for the salt stones mom!) and feel pretty good.
Cramps seem to be ramping up but the hot bath helped.
10 till 3pm.
I just got up for a very quick nap. I actually was only going to lay down on my heating pad for a few minutes to help my cramps but I fell asleep. It helped a bit. They are still there but better.
Still drinking my green lunch.
I have been listening to the “Soundscapes” channel today and it almost feels like I am at a Spa.
I was reading that if we don’t colon cleanse we can re-absorb some of our toxins back in. I guess I am going to have to freaking order an enema bag. Damn..
I also just ordered some intestinal drawing formula..
20 min. till 4..
I am not feeling well really, I have liver pain again and I am just fidgety and can’t get comfortable.. have cramps, seem hungry but don’t want to drink any more juice, tired..
Think I will go lay down and read a while.
It’s 5pm and I am feeling a bit better.. having some Mango, white peach and BANANA! JUICE
I decided I could do the banana by whirling it in my bullet and then straining it thru my sieve. It worked good and this juice is fabulous!
Juice today:
Pineapple and green apple first thing – YUM!!!
1.5 C Almond milk
Water with Lemon Verbena leaves (I am growing).
Lunch is a huge green juice - 1/2 pound of kale, 2 green apples, 2 cucumbers and 1/3 bag of celery.
It's actually one of my favorites so far. Just sweet enough. I love cucumber in these juices!
Mango, white peach, banana juice
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