I love Low Carb!
"All The SnackWells in the World Won't Fill You Up. They Make You Hungrier and Hungrier and Hungrier, Until You Start to Think You Are Crazy". Dana Carpenter - Author of "How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet"...
I love that quote. Ya.. It's one of the most true statements I have read in a long time.. Those damned SnackWells are sad.
Life's a bit crazy right now.. well hell, it is always I think but I DO have some control now.. at least over what I eat!
It's my TOM this week so I am having a few emotional upheavals right now *smile* but I know this too shall pass.
-I am able to go longer without food – my meals are spaced further apart.. sometimes I only eat twice a day.
-I am not having cravings anymore and when I do get hungry it feels more like a controlled normal hunger.
-The other day I came into the kitchen and saw a plate from dinner the night before with LOTS of food left on it! Wow
-I have more energy and am actually thinking about starting a Yoga class in a neighboring city.
-I’m simply doing this.. It has become a lifestyle. I may sometimes eat to much food but it’s LC food and I check every day and I am still in ketosis. I have been for WEEKS.
I am living it. It's becoming second nature.
-I don’t care how long it takes, that’s something else to me, so many times in the past I have done serious crash diets - even pushed LC too far (used ketosis and my lack of hunger to just not eat at all, even when I would get hungry) I have learned. I feel like it took me a long time to gain it so what’s wrong with losing it slowly?
If you are reading this it's great to hear from you! I know what you mean about switching plans up from time to time. Sometimes you just have to. BUT I know you will more than likely find yourself coming back to LC, if you are like me, because of the CONTROL over your food it gives you. Being hungry all the time, well it sucks! Stay in touch!
Well I am back to work. Tonight Patrick is bringing home dinner, not sure what it is yet but I am sure I am glad for one night, it's not my problem!
1 comment:
Hey Cary! Of course I'm reading!!! I actually am still low carb, but I'm doing 23 days of low carb/low calorie/low fat, followed by regular low carb. It's misery!! It really it. But I can say with all honesty that I can't wait to get back to Atkins style, and it will really feel like a treat compared to what I'm doing. (I keep telling myself this is temporary, and I can make it!) Even though I'm nice and deep in ketosis the lack of food/fat still leaves me hungry. Oh well.
Glad you're doing so well! Keep up the great work!
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