This IBD flare has really got me down. I WANT to say I am totally better. This seems to be hanging on a long time, longer than it has in the past.
I do feel better and can notice a little improvement each day.. I’ve been In bed for over a week, really have not been able to do much. Feeling better the last couple of days. Just eating meat and egg right now. So far pain is about 50% gone. Had a good bit of pain this morning but it's passed. I am eating next to nothing really so I can't understand.
I've lots of good salmon in the freezer (just ended up buying it at WF). Also had some new fish called Corvina I have never had, last night. Wow it is GOOD. Patrick ate most of it for me. I really don't have an appetite at all.
Taking mega doses of Omegas (krill and fish oil) and a couple T of CO a day. Have a couple of other ideas of natural ways to control inflammation but want to try a few things at a time only.
I am adding a couple of veggies this week to see how I do (doing sort of mono meals). I have read veggies have to be cooked beyond recognition. Adding green beans first.
It's pretty boring.. but I guess I just don’t care. Food really does not sound like the end all be all to me right now anyway. Talking with my sister Stacy allot more lately about her life with Crohn’s. She has helped greatly. So have a few friends from LCF. I love you guys so much!
My nausea is totally gone. I've lost several pounds (of course not in a good way). I remember how skinny my sister got when she was going thru bad flares. She always used to say "It's tempting to just not eat".. now I know why.
Thank you Tiff for continuing to stay in touch.. it does my heart good to hear from you! and Fawn thanks for the ideas and support darling. You are an amazing woman with so much to teach.
Tonight is chicken breast with some avo. I love avo so I am really looking forward to it.
I have not had anything fizzy in almost two weeks.. tea and water only. I am dying for a diet soda. No really! I would kill something for one right now but I KNOW I can’t.. so I won’t.. damn it.
All in all I am encouraged.
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