The red is taking 3 coats.. apparently I should have used a tinted primer. Live and learn I guess! It's the red wall that started it all *smile*.. wanted a sexy bold bedroom...
The ceiling was HARD! It’s a popcorn ceiling and I did three coats and it still needs touching up here and there. I am in LOVE with the gold wall. I chose the wall that the sun hits in the AM.. it’s got a not so subtle gleam!
A few pix:

This is the red and part of the marigold wall and ceiling. The red is darker than it looks.. it's a brownish red.. deep and dark!

I had a very hard time deciding what color to do the doors and trim.. decided on the marigold. What do you think?

This is the gold wall on the left. With a marigold wall and ceiling. The gold wall turned out great.. four freaking coats though - If you are interested it is Valspar Brilliant Metals. When the sun hits it, it is glorious!

A close up of the gold wall, I think the marigold trim will be great.

and a closeup of the gold wall.. I couldn't get a good pix really.
Hope to get it finished this weekend. We have a window treatment coming.. wooden wide vertical blinds in cherry wood.. Got to get some new furniture too.. got our bed, this is a pix of the bed (from the showroom):

It's more cherry than the pix appears. It's going on the red wall *smile*.
I am still trying to decide on bed side tables.. I love these:

But I am still looking!
Well got to get back to work.
Oh.. doing well on LC..
I tried to get in last night, but for some reason, I couldn't, it kept saying your blog was unavailable. Anyway, love the colors. You can really see the gold sheen in that one picture, gorgeous! Love, love, love the bed...noticed it in the picture from last time. I'm leaning towards the second night stand, but I love them both.
I can't believe you painted popcorn ceilings!! OMG I sit here and stare at these, and I so wouldn't even attempt to paint them white :) When people ask my hubby to paint their's, he sprays them with his airless paint gun. Wish I could hire him to do some upkeeep around here - yeah right!
Have a good one!
Just checking in on you to see if you're feeling better...
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