Thats me holding a painting of moi that my mother did.. She's an incredible artist.
Got back on LC yesterday at lunch and Wow.. down two pounds overnight, it kills me the way my body holds onto water weight.
I am making us shrimp scampi and roasted Brussel sprouts for dinner tonight.. I think I am doing my scampi like this:
Peel and marinate in a bit of olive oil with crushed garlic.. marinate for about a half hour. Heat 3T butter, add some chopped garlic, throw in shrimp, a little lemon juice and rind, dash of Worstershire and maybe a T of dark rum. This sounds so good to me! Going to roast the Brussels in some CO to go with.. OMG.. I love LC.
I was watching a recording of an Oprah show and she spoke about a new book "Women, Food and God".

I went to her site and read a bit from the book. An excerpt is here:
I realize I am really tied up in dieting.. my entire world revolves around losing weight. I realize I don’t love or accept myself quite the way I should. I live in fear constantly. I don’t like to leave the house half the time because I have this image of myself that is WAY overboard fat - I imagine myself much worse than I really am, I DO need to lose a good amount of weight but I have an excessively horrid self image. I realize that my life is truly on hold. I have to get out of this mind set. Some excerpts from the book:
"As long as we see ourselves to be the child who was hurt by an unconscious (unavailable?) parent, we will never grow up. We will never know who we actually are. We will keep looking for the parent who never showed up and forget to see that the one who is looking is no longer a child." "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth
I realize I don’t allow myself to feel much of anything. I am the queen of pretending. I live in my own world most of the time. I certainly gloss over reality and don’t even allow myself to feel good feelings sometimes, afraid I will just feel them and then something bad will happen, like the other shoe drop.
More excerpt from the book:
“The bottom line, whether you weigh 340 pounds or 150 pounds, is that when you eat when you are not hungry, you are using food as a drug, grappling with boredom or illness or loss or grief or emptiness or loneliness or rejection. Food is only the middleman, the means to the end. Of altering your emotions. Of making yourself numb”
“The poet Galway Kinnell wrote that "sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness." Everything we do, I tell my students, is to reteach ourselves our loveliness.”
I ordered the book. I guess it's time to start letting a few feelings roll thru, ha?
Tonights dinner Caribbean Shrimp Scampi was pretty good... needed more salt and more garlic and less lemon rind. Need to make notes on my recipe. I just needs more oomph.
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