Well it has been a VERY hard week! I just am so frustrated to the point of almost wanting to scream. I can’t seem to get this figured out. The high fat in Atkins seemed to be bothering my liver again so I want on a low fat diet like I had in the past with lots of veggies but ALSO corn and beans and brown rice. Well the last three days I have had a horrid IBD flare-up. I have had serious IBD in the past, so bad that I went thru thousands of dollars worth of tests last year trying to find out what the deal was. I had five tests, an MRI, a Colonscopy, , Cat Scan, Ultrasounds and a bowl follow thru (this is all I can remember right now!).
We were pretty sure it was Crones until a small bowel follow thru test found that it was IBD and maybe candida overgrowth and HPylori. At the time I was having such a bad time with continued flare-ups (I just put this together in my mind NOW) I was NOT doing low carb but doing weight watchers. I started back on LC in Dec. of last year and for the last 3 ½ months had NO flare-ups at all! I didn’t realize this until last night when I was in so much pain. It dawned on me I had not had a flare-up in months. Could it be that I am having IBD from some carb? Last night I had corn (as in chips and tortillas for veggie tacos) and rice and beans. (one of my fav. Low Fat meals from the past) and within a half hour had to lay down because the pain was so bad I could not walk.
I was floored (literally!) and that’s when I put it together. My IBD has not shown itself in all the time I have been on Atkins. Wow.
NOW what to do? Low Fat and LC? Medium fat? Maybe slowly raise my fat again? My liver is feeling better because of the veggie low fat diet – even though it’s only been a week, but what in the world do I do now? Before on LC (a couple of years ago), I got a liver issue (bloat and slight pain under my right breast) and went on a Raw diet (just fruits, veggies, nuts and seed) for a month and it went away. It didn’t bother me for months, until now.
I am so exasperated it is hard to think rationally. I am beyond frustrated.
I don't know what's going on but wanted to send you some {{{{hugs}}}}.
I'd be frustrated too.
I suspect I have gallstones (I've had 3 attacks), and when I consulted with Misty (free-healthy-diet-plans.com) she put me on a mild daily liver cleanse with organic beet root, lemon juice, and flax seed oil (a tablespoon of that mixture) 3 to 4 times per day while eating normal low carb. I ate that until I ran out of the mixture, and then I've just continued to put real lemon juice in my water (almost) every day. I haven't had another attack since then. You know I can't say positively that's the reason I haven't had one, but it didn't hurt, and it wasn't obtrusive, and I would do it again, just because.
Feel better friend - sorry for the long ramble, just my thoughts.
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