Do you or have you ever cooked live lobster at home? I am not sure I could. I am watching Julia Child's lobster show on youtube and wondered if I might try it. Eeek! I sure do love lobster though and isn't it perfect for low carb!
Here is her video:
I think I may try. One thing about low carb is that I really try to have special meals more often. I truly don't want to get bored and actually don't spend more on groceries than I did before low carb (most of the time). Did you know that on average in France women spend 25% more on groceries than we do.. I guess food is just more special to them than to most of us... For me so far, much more natural and fresh ingredients tend to be more affordable than all the processed crap. I do spend more occasionally when I have to get a good cheese fix! and of course lobster, if I do make it, is freaking not cheap! Although I am sure it would be much more expensive at a restaurant.
Some other meals I am thinking of (my French leanings!) are Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon and I want to do a nice Bernaise sauce... I want to get really good at sauces.
I am eyeing an original 1966 Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking".

I have seen them for well over $100 so far though, so I am not sure I will find an affordable one but doesn't it just need to be mine if I am going to get more serious about good food?
Hi honey! Haven't tried live lobster at home! Once I tried previously frozen lobster tails and it was terrible - because I over cooked them - rubbery rubber! It was terrible! Try half.com for cheap books and movies if you don't mind used - but some are new. I have a fantastic recipe for prime rib though if you should ever be inclined to go that route!
I've cooked live lobster once. My boss got a great deal on them, so he gave me a couple.
I think it depends on if you're a fan of lobster or not. Me, I'd rather have Dungeness crab any day over lobster. But cooking it myself turned out to be easy, and it was the best lobster I'd ever had (which was still a step below crab for me).
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