Good Morning!
It’s a lovely morning here. The Genius I Married, and I are going to go to breakfast in a while. A few years ago, Last time I lost a good amount of weight we used to go to breakfast together each weekend. (either Sat. am or Sun. am) and he would get low fat pancakes and eggs/ham and I would get Scrambled egg beaters with lots of veggies thrown in, ham and dry English muffin (I would put jam on it).
I have not been eating bread.. well no grains really except brown rice last night.. on sushi.. for the first time in a very long time. Months actually. I have slowly been adding back carbs (called climbing the ladder on Atkins).
I am doing very well and have not had cravings.. well no horrid cravings I can’t control anyway. I am making smart choices and not eating sugar in any form. Yes I do know that all carbs turn into sugar in your bloodstream but no “sugar” like no cookies, cake, crap junk food. Lots of veggies, lean meats and some low GI fruits. I am down another few pounds… I have lowered my fat as I have upped my carbs. It feels good to me so far. I enjoyed the sushi last night VERY much!
What I am getting at is that I have been wondering about the English Muffin and jam this morning.. real bread has not crossed my lips in months nor has any sugar (as in the jam).. I am going to have it this morning. I will pay attention to how I am feeling afterwards. I think since I am having so much protein with, that I won’t have issues.
I feel like this is a good diet for me. It feels less strict and I feel a bit more relaxed about my eating.. I am not sure if this is good or bad but I will find out I am sure.
Looking forward to lots of coffee and a nice breakfast with The Genius I Married. It’s been a long time, this used to be quite a tradition on weekends for us. Good quality time together, we would sit way longer than we needed to and just talk. I can’t wait.
So onto more fun stuff!
I have a couple of pix from my motivational weight loss file to share with you. This is Renee Zellweger during her “fat” stage when shooting one of the Bridget Jone’s movies.. I LOVE the way she looks.. like a bombshell. I have always been a curvy girl and this is the body I am shooting for, I mean those boobs, that dress, OMG that RED DRESS! her shape, PERFECTION:

Oh and here is another pix that looks like a great body to me.. of course all the photographers and rag mags were saying she looks fat.. whatever, I think she looks HEALTHY and stunning:

Glad you are feeling fab! Hope you and hubby (aka Genius) had a wonderful time at breakfast!
Cary- OH Cary -
Calling you back to your blog honey!
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