Good Morning Sunshine!
Official weigh in is on Mondays..so I got on the scale.
I have lost 4# my first week back on induction which is RIGHT ON SCHEDULE!!! I am re-reading the Atkins book and it’s a good thing. It says that normally women can expect around 8 pounds for induction and men 10. That is the two weeks of induction. I am one week in.
I did realize I am not to be having nuts and also eating too much cheese so I had Patrick hide the nuts - that way he can have them when he wants and I'm not tempted. I will add them later on.
I want to do induction for a long time, at least until I really stop losing for 3 weeks in a row. I admit that I wanted to see like 8 pounds, like I used to when starting Induction but I know I won't see those numbers again. Well also before I was really carbed up… Since I was just coming off WeightWatchers when I started LC again I am sure I was not that full of excess glycogen thus not that much water weight which is what the 4 pounds truly was, but NOW I am in ketosis so I am burning fat.
What many Atkins followers don't understand is that you burn a combo of dietary fat and actual body fat. IF you over eat too much fat you won't lose body fat so you really STILL have to watch that you don't go overboard.
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ * ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ATKINS!!!♥
I am reading around on line for inspiration this chilly morning and ran across this success story I like:
http://www.lowcarb.ca/stories/story014.htmlI truly LOVE this from his Top 10 advice :
5. Do nothing half-assed. If you are dieting, be strict. If you are exercising, push yourself . Don’t do anything halfway or you will develop the habit of doing things halfway. The number one enemy of the dieter is the attitude of “I’ll go a little at a time.” It rarely works.
6. Do not weight daily. Weigh once a week at first, then once a month later. Constant weigh ins are either really really good, or really really bad. And while really really good doesn’t do a whole lot besides make you smile, really, really bad can get you to quit.
I especially need to stop weighing so often. I really do.
Last night I made a great meal.
I pounded chicken breast flat and laid slices of cream cheese and ham on one side… then added lots of pepper and garlic powder and a little salt and folded the other half over. I had microwaved a few pieces of bacon until almost done and then laid them over the chicken in an 8 x8 pan. Roasted in the oven for about 35 min. (I like my chicken pretty well done)..
Had to broil it a bit so the bacon was good and crisp. I had earlier in the day sliced a cucumber and a half (just for the two of us) and marinated it in a LC Italian dressing with chopped green onion.. it was simple and surprisingly good.