Well today is going to be a good day, I can feel it. I feel clear headed and my cramps are almost gone. It's day five of my juice feast. I am still counting it as day five even though I ate some raw fruit and tahini last night. I was having a very hard night. I don't think it slowed me down though really because my calories were still under 1200 and it was Raw (Tahini also) and I didn't gain any weight.
Wow.. I sold LOTS of gemstones overnight!!!!!!!!!!

(Check out My Gemstore sometime):
http://GemGourmet.etsy.comand I am pretty busy this morning packing stuff up. It's nice as I am saving for our Vegas/Se dona trip late Oct. Thank you to all my wonderful customers!
Seriously, I don't want to work, all I want to do is READ others blogs and sites re: juice feasting and Raw foods forever. I have to force myself to get work done around the house. I know it's because I am still so new at it and have SO MUCH TO LEARN but I am frantic to learn as much as I can as quickly as I can. I can tell this is an Epic time in my life. Changes are a comin'!
Patrick got LOTS of good greens and also greens powder at the store yesterday so I will be juicing lots of greens today! I am shooting for a pound of greens a day and a good amount of celery.
We ended up not buying the MSM because I found out it contains sulfer and I am allergic to sulfer and the freaking bee pollen is crazy expensive so right now I am not using that either - Yet. Hopefully I will find some at a farmer's market or such that is local and not $15 for 6 ounces!
ALSO I didn’t have him get the hemp oil quite yet because I still have a brand new bottle of Carlson’s Finest fish oil for my EFA’s.. I know it’s not veggie but it was expensive and I am using it up first then I will get on with the hemp oil.
I am also adding in my beneficial bacteria every day starting yesterday.
It’s 11:30 am and I just finished packing up 8 packages! Yeah GemGourmet is rockin!
I have to go to the post office, four of the packages are International (to the UK, Sweden, Switzerland and Italy!).. love the idea that my gems are going all over the world.
I really do miss making jewelry. I did it for almost 25 years. (if you want to check out my site sometime:

"Sea Swept Away" from my BeachBabe line.
http://carymartindesigns.comI am doing so well with the GemGourmet store that I just don’t seem to have time to do much in the way of new jewelry designs. I do want to finish a couple pieces for myself though ; -)
I just made a huge liter of honeydew melon juice.. half of a large honeydew.. it’s fantastic! The most incredible honeydew I have had in a long time, it really does pay to eat fruit in their correct season. They are in perfect season right now.. I put it in my new WhydhamGreen bottle that Patrick brought us home from work.. they are cool..
Wow.. I just realized it’s already 2pm and I have not had any more juice! I ran right thru lunch (had to go to the Post Office) and now it’s actually time for ANOTHER juice so I am two behind. I really need to be careful to not let myself get too hungry!
So I made my first green juice for the day..
A dandelion greens, spinach, green superfood powder, mango, honeydew melon juice and it is fair. I had to add 4 drops stevia because it was a little bitter. I will be able to drink it no problem.
I actually ended up pulling all the greens out of the bin from the back of the juicer, throwing them in the bullet with some water and then straining the liquid back in my drink.. I hate to waste all those greens.. the juicer just does NOT do a good job! I ordered a Vitamix last week. They are crazy expensive but I need it. Will be glad when it gets in.
Well it’s 4:30pm and I was really hungry for something sweet (will have my other green juice for dinner) so I made banana, pineapple and coconut water juice! OMG.. this is the best ever! I didn’t strain it but I am not worrying about it. I can’t get obsessive, I am not going to develop an all or nothing mentality about this cleanse. It’s important that I don’t get too militant with myself.
Hummmm… well its’ 5pm and I am getting that “spaced out” feeling everyone talks about when they are doing the juice feast and consume too much sugar from fruit. I am spacey and feel tired all of a sudden.
I will be SO GLAD when my vitamix comes in so I can make decent green juices.. it’s hard to do good ones with the juicer… it gets practically NO juice from the greens.. I guess in the mean time I will do what I did with lunch and do the greens in the bullet with water or maybe coconut water?
Boy I am REALLY STRUGGLING with wanting to eat solid food right now! I know it’s because of the time. (it is almost 7pm) and I have eaten a solid dinner for what…. 44 years now! I can understand I guess how this feels so foreign.
The first few days were easy because it was new and I was thrilled and excited.. I am still excited but the newness is wearing off and now I have to just DO THIS!
I can make myself a green drink when Patrick eats his dinner. I can do this.. I am NOT going to fall off and eat food like last night (banana, date and raw tahini last night).. I am back on, have done good all day and will make it thru the end of the day… I sure hope this gets easier!
Forgot my EFA oil AND my beneficial bacteria.. will have to take them NOW~
Had a decent poo today. (yes we raw foodies are into our poo’s!) I had not had one in two days.
I also have a huge pimplebump coming up on my chin… definitely detox as I hardly EVER get these.
Juice/supplements today:
1 large glass ice water w/ lime juice and stevia (used a whole lime).. this is nice this morning~
1 liter of honeydew melonjuice!
Liter of Green juice – dandelion greens, spinach, green superfood powder, mango, honeydew melon
1 T soaked goji berries (forgot to add them to the juice so I just ate them)
Banana, pineapple and coconut water (2 cups).. WOW amazing!
1 T Carlson’s fish oil (I know it’s not veggie but I have it in the fridge and need to finish it)
11 oz Passionfruit Coconut water
Hot spice tea (black tea) for dinner – Nice…
Ended up forgetting my beneficial bacteria.. have to start taking the oil and bacteria at lunch.